Ting is the founder of MISSTINGSTUDIO, now living in Melbourne, Australia. I travels around the world to find the top founders or famous mentors in various fields to learn and improve. I try my best to bring the most professional and authoritative knowledge to students and individual cases, and help many people achieve life change. With a wealth of case and teaching experience at home and abroad, he has treated and taught numerous cases.
TING is the first LRMT(Listened Reiki Master Teacher) in LCRT in Asia and Australia, are qualified to open ICRT official courses and issue official certificates.Teaching hundreds of excellent Reiki teachers have rich teaching experience in the field of Reiki.
As a healer and tutor of more than 10 courses officially certified by Theta Healing, has rich teaching experience and has also cultivated a large number of excellent Theta executive teachers.
In August 2022, the official teaching assistant of Theta-Healing IA (Intuitive Human Anatomy) offline tutor class loved learning and research. In order to learn the best and most professional knowledge, I took a total of 60+ hours by plane to Montana (USA) to follow Ms. Vianna, the founder of Theta-Healing Therapy, to learn several advanced offline tutor classes in the United States.
ICRT 是亚洲及澳洲地区首个持证认证导师LRMT具有开设ICRT官方所有课程的资质,同时颁发官方证书,几十种小品,也培养出上百名出色的灵气导师,在灵气领域具有相当丰富的教学经验。
2022年8月西塔IA(人体直观解剖学)线下导师班官方助教热爱学习与研究,为学习到最好最专业的知识,乘坐往返共计60+小时的飞机去蒙大拿州 (米国)跟随西塔疗愈创始人维安娜女士在美国线下学习多个高阶导师课。